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Tomb of Cardinal Sfondrati

Basilica of St. Cecilia in Trastevere-Rome

The tomb has a tripartite architecture consisting of a high base on which rests on the right and left two niches with columns of black marble.  Inside the niches there are two statues: St. Cecilia and St. Agnes.  In the bottom center is placed in a sarcophagus Portoro breccia *(non so che cosa e) topped by a slab of black basalt with a dedicatory inscription. Above  is the bust of Cardinal Sfondrato facing in prayer with a mixed-line frame. The coloring of the monument is almost entirely played on the contrast of the yellow colored marble of Numidia, the portasanta, the Portoro, the Portoro brecciated the porphyry (non so che cosa e), on the second the old green, the Fiordipesco, the Broccatello, and the African.

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